Thursday, March 15, 2007

15/03/2007 update - Workshop progress - Oil and Start control

Just a quick update as to what is currently happening re- the Twin Turbojet

The workshop shed is all up now and the electricity/lights side of things is all installed. The majority of the equipment is all out of the conservatory now and back in it's new place in the new W/S. I have still a little rearranging to do but's it getting there.

I have decided to go with an RC (radio controlled) type of ESC (elecronic speed controller) for the oil pump electronic power control. The controller will handle up to 28Vdc at 60Amps and will be fine for the 24Vdc 7.5Amp pump. The ESC will ramp up controlled by a small PIC programmed chip board which in turn will be switched on by the tacho board. The reason the Oil needs to be ramped up during the start up procedure is to lessen the load on the 2 electric starter motors. The Oil will be ramped up over 20-25 seconds and the Starters will lag slightly behind the pump.
The starter motors are controlled by 2x 80Amp ESC boards and again, as with the Oil pump, the ESC's are ramp controlled by another PIC board and switched from the Tacho board.

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